That's Right The Vast Majority Of Those That Want To Make Money Online Just Give Up
This can’t be measured exactly but is the popular view of the major Internet Marketing forums such as the Warrior Forum
What leads to this failure for those that want to work from home?
These are the key reasons:
- Chasing pennies
- False claims of easy money
- Too many shiny objects to distract attention
- Incorrect training
- Lack of a supportive mentor
Welcome to the Money Earn where you will find useful information and advice on how to earn money online and avoid wasting time on miracle scams that just don’t work and are just set up to relieve you of your money. It is no wonder that people who have tried to earn money at home before are skeptical of any offers that they come across which claim that they have “the answer”.
We Will Tell You What Works
The main purpose of this site is to review money making opportunities that really work. We will be trying out a lot of these opportunities and only those that are credible and that present the opportunity to really earn money fast will be mentioned on this site. It will also serve another purpose which is it will stop you having to spend lots of time and money on different offers to sort out the golden nuggets from the stuff that just does not work.
Is this you?
Avoid The Push Button Miracle Programs
If you are new to Internet marketing you need to avoid a trap that many people fall into which is the next shiny object syndrome. This means that they move from one opportunity to the next spending lots of time and money and not achieving anything because they don’t stick to one thing. This can be really paralyzing and leads more people to quit than any other reason. Always believe that it is possible to earn money at home but you will never do it by trying to do too many things or by using magic push button software!
There Are Only Two Effective Ways Of Earning Money From Home
You will see many business opportunities promoted on the Internet but really there are only two effective ways of earning money from home. These are selling your own products or services or promoting a product or service that you do not own and receiving a commission for each sale that is made. The latter is more commonly known as “affiliate marketing”.
Promote Something Of Value
Selling your own product or service is great but it is not always the best place to start. You need to provide something that will add value to a customer’s life such as how to solve a particular problem that they have at the moment. It is possible to create products like these and sell them with no real knowledge or experience of the subject matter. In fact it goes on all of the time. Some people want answers to their problems immediately and they will not care too much about how you can provide these answers or what your credibility level is with this. Others are not so easily convinced. We will cover this in more detail in another post.
Affiliate Marketing Is The Best Way To Start
Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to get started earning money online. The company offering the affiliate program has already done all of the hard work in establishing the product or service and hopefully will have some sort of track record in terms of results which are often in the form of testimonials received from satisfied customers.
I sell my own products and services and also do affiliate marketing. It is a good idea to build yourself up to this kind of position as well but don’t try to do this all at once. Start with affiliate marketing like I did and then you can invest time and money in creating your own products. If you want to know how to earn money online fast then the answer is affiliate marketing.
Look At The Numbers First
The key to being successful in any form of business is to look at the numbers first. What do I mean? Well most fortunes have been made in the past by selling a product or service to a large audience of customers. If the product or service that you are thinking of promoting is only of interest to a small market, then you might want to think again about spending time and money on this. There are exceptions of course where you can make a lot of money with “high ticket” items where people pay thousands of dollars for training or some other product and you make a commission. The sales tend to be few and far between but when they do happen the commissions are large.
The Ideal Scenario
For years now I have been involved in Internet marketing and particularly affiliate marketing and I have earned a great deal from it. To be honest I thought that I knew it all after spending several years reading up on the latest methods and spending a small fortune. But the one thing that I failed to do in the old days was to get advice from someone who had been there before and done it. If you really want to know how to earn money then this is the quickest way to do it. You need help and support and just buying a $17 e-book will not cut it for you.
I Finally Found The Best Solution
I stopped my affiliate marketing efforts a while ago and promised myself that I would get back into it as it is a good way earn extra money. But I also promised myself that I would not do this without the help of someone that has done it properly and made a lot of money from it. I found one of the best mentors around and following his advice I earn money online every day without doing much.
If you want to succeed with your online business then you need a good mentor too. They don't come any better than this guy and he will show you how to set up a real affiliate marketing business that works and can generate you 6 figures or more. Find out more here:
I will bring you more reports of things that you can do to earn money online very soon.